Welcome in Rural Labour Construction Cooperative Society Ltd.

      In pursuance of the provision of the multi State Cooperative Societies Act 2002. Society by the name of Rural Labour Construction cooperative society ltd., H N 2590/1, Jageswari Mata Mandirke pass Jagpura, Laitpur 284403 (Uttar Pradesh) is registered hereby as a multi state cooperative society under section 7 of the multi state cooperative societies societies act, 2002 (39 of 2002) and the rules framed thereunder. The registration number of the societyis MSCS/CR/1445/2023. The area of operation of the society shall be confined to the states of utter Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The registration of the society is subject to the condition that the society shall not indulge in credit/ housing related activities in any form the society is registered with the stipulation that the society shall commence business in both the states within a period of six months from the date of registration. The society has to function as per the provisions of the MSCS act & rules, 2002 read with MSCS (amendment) act & rules 2023. In case of any conflict with the bye-laws the provision of said act & rules applicable. Further the society shall frame and amend its bye- laws in accordance with the MSCS (amendment) act, 2023 and MSCS (Amendment) rules,2023.

Website Designed and Developed by Rural Labour Construction Cooperative Society Ltd.