Message from Director


Rural Labour Construction Cooperative Society Ltd is an U.P. Govt. UndertakingPublic Sector Organisation established in 2023 (Formerly known as RLCCSL). The Society is executing mainly the work awarded by government, Semi government and other undertaking in form of deposit work through tender participation or departmentally process with Speed, Quality and Economy. The Society tends to minimise the middle man from construction and execute the work by in-house talents. It provide the employment to local labours and ensure to disbursed suitable labour wages. It also provide the employment of worthy,technical and non-technical person.

Our mission is the development of infrastructures of the nation. We have placed increased focus on sustainable and green construction. Our all projects include measures the conservative environment harmony.One of the things I am very proud of is our adherence transparency and all our financial information is publically available on website.

Looking towards the future we want to be the catalyst for the Indian structures construction progress. This involve an emphasis on Implementing newer, better construction such as prefab construction and Building Information Modelling System.

RLCCSL adopt to the continuously changing forces of transformation and growth, while adhering to its attitude of excellence and quality. We hope to continue matching global standards as we build India into a Dream Nation.

With best Wishes


Website Designed and Developed by Rural Labour Construction Cooperative Society Ltd.